The Hero's Quest script
Rachel Atkins recording the role of Vale Moonwing
Toby Longworth at our trading table at Fighting Fantasy Fest 2
Our table before trading began at Fighting Fantasy Fest 2
Lauren and Evelyn at Fighting Fantasy Fest 2
Business meeting are best with curry!
From L to R: Richard, Lauren, Jon and David.
Recording the Attack of the 50ft Nerds podcast.
From L to R: Dave, Richard, and Jon
At Dragonmeet 2017. From L to R: Richard, Dave and Jon.
Photo (c) Jonathan Green
Charlie Higson recording the role
of Baron Sukumvit 17 May 2018
The crew at the London recording studios
3 May 2018
David Warner recording the role of Yaztromo
22 May 2018
Lisa Bowerman recording the role
of Evelina of Dree 22 May 2018
About the team...

Richard Fox and Lauren Yason met on a performing arts course at University and in 2004 they started Fox Yason Music Productions with the opening of their recording studio in North London. In 2012 they started working on audio dramas for the likes of Big Finish and Games Workshop and have amassed credits on a long list of productions since then.

As well as a long career in television post production, David Smith has contributed short stories to numerous anthologies covering a range of genres including sci-fi, fantasy, horror, steampunk and victorian crime thriller.

The story behind The Hero's Quest begins when Richard and David decided that the time was right to embark on a new project. After working on other people's projects for many years, they knew they had the skills to do something themselves, and to do it well. Fighting Fantasy was something they'd both loved since the series originally came out, the books provided a fantastic set of scenarios to play in, and (very importantly!) the rights were available.

To complete the team, Jon Saffron provided technical expertise and Evelyn Oo brought her artistic flair and experience in illustrating RPGs to create original artwork for the production.

The first production, The Hero's Quest, was recorded and engineered during the Summer of 2017 and launched at Fighting Fantasy Fest 2 on September 2nd. For 2018, the aim was to go bigger and better with the release of a boxset of four stories continuing the adventures of Vale Moonwing and bringing fans of fantasy drama the best audio experience possible.

In 2019 we will be working hard to bring you more adventures in time for Fighting Fantasy Fest 3.

We look forward to bringing you many more adventures from the lands of Allansia and beyond.

The team is proudly powered by tea and fig rolls. Thanks guys, we couldn't do it without you!

Copyright © 2017-2019 Fox Yason Music Productions / Jon Saffron / David N. Smith